3 Quotes & Sayings By Ninya Tippett

Ninya Tippett is the author of two award-winning and popular mystery series: The Sea and Sweetwater Bay and The Secrets of Littleton Springs. Her books have been selected by Book Sense Book Club, the Library of Congress, the American Library Association, and the International Reading Association for their outstanding children's literature. Her books have also received recognition from such prestigious organizations as the National Association of Parents and Teachers of Teens (NAPT), Mom's Choice Awards, and Book Sense Book Club. She was a member of NAPT's Board of Directors for five years and still serves on its advisory council Read more

Her books have been translated in eleven languages and she has also authored two nonfiction titles: A Murder Is in the Air and A Murder in the Air. Ms. Tippett is also an active member at St.

David's Episcopal Church in East Nashville, Tennessee, where she teaches Sunday School children's classes at St. David's Episcopal Church School.

To love you fully is to love you in every way possible, even in the smallest, most inconspicuous ways that will eventually all lead back to you. Ninya Tippett
Heroes aren't heroes because they worship the light, but because they know the darkness all to well to stand down and live with it. Ninya Tippett